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In my work I would like to look at our imperfections with honesty, love and humour.

About Me.

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My name is Agnes Fodor, I have been making figurative ceramic sculptures since 2020.

I am selfthought.

I was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1992, into a middle classs family. Since my early

childhood, I have always expressed my emotions through drawing. As with most artists,

creation is essential for me. But I never wanted to be an artist. Where I came from, art

didn't seem like a feasible career.

During my higher cinema studies, I worked as a painter on film sets. In 2017 I followed

my future husband and moved to France. The first three years were very difficult. Not only

because I didn't speak French, but it really bothered me not to be able to create while

working and to be a simple performer. I had a very strong feeling of my vocation, but

I did not see how I could fulfill it.

We moved to Brittany near the sea, and suddenly I had all this space. Space and time.

With the encouragement of my husband and later friends I started making sculptures

at home. At the beginning with a can of any material. During my first pregnancy, I started

using argil - natural, pleasant to work with. My determination became stronger and stronger,

the more I worked the more I felt that I had found my way. Being a mother also gave me

the courage - and in any case the fact that I renounce financial independence has lost its

relevance, being a mother is already the renunciation of all your independence.

Now we have two boys, who are growing well. I can work more and more. We are close to

finishing the construction of my workshop - a dedicated space for work, what happiness! 

And I feel very strong and optimistic. It’s really the start of my career. I am only now

beginning to question what being an artist means, what being a woman artist means...

It's not always easy, but as long as I can be in my studio, I know I'm in the right place.

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My main interest is the HUMAN BODY. I like how it's fragile, grotesque, disgusting and beautiful at the same time. I think with a little abstraction it represents well the different aspects of human soul and our society. Wherever we look we look into a mirror, because we are not capable to think outside of ourselfes. I find this amusing.


Chapel Saint Michel - Brasparts, Bretagne, France

Galerie Couleure des Arts - Morlaix, Bretagne, France

Salon des Arts du Minihic 2024 - Minihic-sur-Rance, Bretagne, France

Hors Norme 5 - Morlaix, Bretagne, France


L'Improbable Café Culturel - Plestin les Greves, Bretagne, France


DF ART PROJECT - Le Block , Poitiers, France


DF ART PROJECT - Parc Floral de Paris, Paris, France



XII. FLORENCE BIENNALE - Fortezza da Basso, Florence, Italy

BODY LANGUAGE - Palazzo Ca'Zanardi, Venice, Italy

GRAND SALON D'ART ABORDABLE - Bellevilloise, Paris, France


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